Looking for an affordable yet reliable solution for your roof? We've got the answer you're looking for!
We carry a wide selection of shingles to meet your roofing needs. Whether you're looking for durability, style, or affordability, our options are built to last and designed to protect your home for years to come.
Based in Salem, Oregon, we deliver across the state, ensuring you have access to great materials at great prices, no matter where you are.
Economy-grade architectural shingles at very competitive prices
Economy-grade architectural shingles at very competitive prices
We can create pre-hung doors for your project. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements!
Custom Order formLooking for an affordable yet reliable solution for your roof? We've got the answer you're looking for!
We carry a wide selection of shingles to meet your roofing needs. Whether you're looking for durability, style, or affordability, our options are built to last and designed to protect your home for years to come.
Based in Salem, Oregon, we deliver across the state, ensuring you have access to great materials at great prices, no matter where you are.
We have a custom window shop where we can create windows for your project
Custom Order form